About Renvall
We are Val & Aimee Vernall and we live in Birmingham in the West Midlands.
We have been owned by Tibetan Terriers since 1994 and breeding since 1997. All our breeding stock is hip scored annually eye tested and DNA tested for PLL and NCL.
In November 1994, Val arrived home with her friend Jacqui Martin,
and a scruffy hairy thing on a lead, answering to the name "Bella".
Bella's previous owner had been taken very ill, and she was proving to be a bit of an handful!! (an understatement I think!).
Bella ran straight into the lounge, jumped on the sofa and snored her head off! She remained their until the day we lost her.
CEDERAIRE ADORA-BELLA AT COPLEY was a fabulous introduction to this wonderful breed.
She was a lap dog for as long as you could stroke her, but also a noisy bouncy terror when the occassion called for it.
She had a wide range of vocal talents which she always managed to display at the worst moments, but we wouldn't be parted from her.
It was a slippery slope after Bella arrived. We got totally hooked on Tibetan Terriers, and in short succession Bella's half brother Levi and nephew Braces arrived.
CEDERAIRE LEVI OF RENVALL was to be our first Show Dog. (wish someone would of told him that!) From the minute Levi stepped foot into the ring he hated it, so Braces arrived to take over where he left off.
We had a bit of success with CEDERAIRE BRACE YOURSELF FOR RENVALL until we retired him in 1999.
Levi, Bella and Braces soon discovered their new rolls in life, they would teach all the new arrivals at Renvall, how to be naughty and noisy for their new owners!
Bella managed to muster the energy to produce us two litters,
resulting in Lilli & Patsy from her first litter with Braces as the Father and Velvet & Cherry B from her second litter. Not bad for a scruff!
Levi also produced a litter, resulting in Murphy and Corduroi.
And the story continues.................
Left to Right - Braces, Bella, Cederaire Miemie and Levi in 1997.